News Archive for Wednesday, February 1st, 2012:
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OS X 10.7.3 Updaters (Client/Combo/Server):
(Delta Updates Pulled: Apple removed the 10.7.3 (delta) updaters from their D/L page and now the links for the Delta Updates auto-route to the Combo versions. Like Security Update 2012-001 for Snow Leopard, maybe there will be a (fixed) "v1.1" posted soon.
Many have reported various problems after the 10.7.3 delta/software update version applied. Reapplying w/Combo Updater is an old tip. But for CoreDuo (unsupported) macs w/Core 2 Duo CPU upgrades, reportedly the Combo updater reinstalls the support models plist.)
(original post from Feb 1st follows)
(Delta download page linked - see below for Combo and Server update D/L pages)
"OS X Lion Update 10.7.3 (Client)
The 10.7.3 update is recommended for all OS X Lion users and includes general operating system fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac including fixes that:
- Add Catalan, Croatian, Greek, Hebrew, Romanian, Slovak, Thai, and Ukrainian language support
- Address issues when using smart cards to log into OS X
- Resolve issues authenticating with directory services
- Address compatibility issues with Windows file sharing
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5048. (About the OS X Lion v10.7.3 Update)
For information on the security content of this update, please visit: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222."
Here's download pages for the Combo, server and admin tools updaters:
Other related docs are in today's listing below.
FYI (old tip): Some early reports of problems ("CUI" errors/app crashes) from those updating via Software Update. I've always avoided using SU, preferring the D/L Combo Updater. I'm not using Lion (yet), but if you have problems and haven't already done so, try applying the combo updater. (Other common sources of problems w/OS X updates are 3rd party addons, and sometimes corrupted prefs/files. Of course bugs are possible too.)
FYI about 10.7.3 on Core2Duo CPU Upgraded Macs:
Within an hour of posting the 10.7.3 update here reader Luca P. sent a report on installing the 10.7.3 update (delta via SU) on his C2D upgraded (originally CoreDuo) iMac, saying all is well. (Unlike 10.7.2 update, did not reinstall the PlatformSupport.plist file.) I've added his report to the earlier ones on the page on (2006-2008) Mac Mini Core 2 Duo CPU Upgrades (Chip Swaps). (He has an iMac not a Mini, but have kept Lion on C2D updated iMac/Mini reports there.)
Security Update 2012-001 for Snow Leopard:
(FYI - Early reports said this update breaks Rosetta, but on Friday (Feb 3rd) Apple posted V1.1 that hopefully fixes that. Same Download page for v1.1.)
"About Security Update 2012-001 (Snow Leopard)
Security Update 2012-001 is recommended for all users and improves the security of Mac OS X. For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222."
(Here's the doc with a long list of security fixes.)
Here's the download page for the Snow Leopard Server Security Update 2012-001.
FYI - I mailed a reader that had Rosetta problems with the original release to ask if v1.1 fixed that - he replied yes.
Apple Remote Desktop 3.5.2 Client Update:
"About Apple Remote Desktop 3.5.2 Client
The 3.5.2 update is recommended for all Apple Remote Desktop clients and addresses issues related to Screen Sharing.
(here's info from the related doc)
What's New
- Improves Screen Sharing authentication when using Kerberos, or when authenticating as a user with no password.
- Fixes issues controlling a remote computer with two displays when the primary display is on the right.
System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later"
Updated Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Articles:
- About the security content of OS X Lion v10.7.3 and Security Update 2012-001
- About the OS X Lion v10.7.3 Update
- About the Lion Server v10.7.3 Update
- About Server Admin Tools 10.7.3
- About Apple Remote Desktop client 3.5.2
- Lion Server: How to set up auto-accept for Lion Server Calendar Service
- Lion Server: Webmail users receive "The message cannot be moved" alert
- OS X Lion: Binding to Active Directory read-only domain controllers
- Lion Server: Configuring and enabling PPTP
- Login and directory binding delays on systems joined to an Active Directory domain ending in ".local"
- Server App or Server Admin can't connect to a newly upgraded Lion server
- Lion Server: Migrating and copying wiki data from Mac OS X Server v10.6
- Mac OS X Server: Microsoft Outlook clients may not be able to send mail
- OS X Lion: Supported digital camera RAW formats
- iTunes: Troubleshooting security software issues
- Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
- iCloud: Limits for Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, and Bookmarks
- iCloud: Resolving duplicate Contacts after setting up iCloud Contacts
- Unable to type while Mouse Keys is enabled in OS X
- Mac 101: The Finder
- iAd Producer 2.0.2: Release notes
- MobileMe: Setting up syncing notes between iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac
- MobileMe: Dialogue choices and messages when configuring MobileMe Sync on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
- Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
Apple/Products related Articles/Fluff/Op-Ed:
Other News/Articles/Updates/OT:
Recent Articles/Tips/Tweaks/Reviews: Listing/links to articles, tips, reviews you may have missed. |
Previous News Pages: For links to older news pages, see the Archives. (Saturday pages have prev. week's summary/links.)
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