News for Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 Go to Current News Page
Mac Upgrades/Mods | Storage | Video | Audio/Home Theater | macOS Updates/Tips/WiFi
= Recent Articles/Updates =
OS X 10.9.2 Update (delta/combo download pages)
(Download page linked. 10.9.2 includes Safari 7.0.2)
"About OS X Mavericks 10.9.2 Update (768.7 MB)
This update:
- Adds the ability to make and receive FaceTime audio calls
- Adds call waiting support for FaceTime audio and video calls
- Adds the ability to block incoming iMessages from individual senders
- Improves the accuracy of unread counts in Mail
- Resolves an issue that prevented Mail from receiving new messages from certain providers
- Improves AutoFill compatibility in Safari
- Fixes an issue that may cause audio distortion on certain Macs
- Improves reliability when connecting to a file server using SMB2
- Fixes an issue that may cause VPN connections to disconnect
- Improves VoiceOver navigation in Mail and Finder
(See below for separate doc on Security fixes.)
System Requirements: OS X Mavericks v10.9.1"
Here's the download page for the OS X 10.9.2 Combo Update (859.7 MB) (SHA1=c06a63982b522e43997a05cedc04b0bdb1a10207). Related docs on security fixes below.
(At post time the Delta update D/L page listed same size as Combo. Above are from actual D/Ls.)
(The usual comments about OS (and Safari) updates - may have problems with 3rd party addons/drivers/plugins, etc. - check the vendors site for any updates or notes on 10.9.2. Some prefer to use the Combo updater instead of delta. (And if you installed a trim enabler mod it may get overwritten.) You can also check Apple's OS X Mavericks forum and the Desktop forums or notebook forums of your specific mac model for early feedback. (Of course many problems are not common but the posts may have useful info/tips for those that do. Personally I wish they'd always release all security updates separately.) As always, have a current backup before updating. A bootable clone is also a plus.
FYI: A 2010 MacBook Pro owner said that OS X 10.9.2 (finally) fixed the problem of no ExpressCard support with that model. (2009/2011 models were ok, but 2010 model expresscard support was missing in 10.9/10.9.1.) Added a FYI to the Oct. 31st 2013 archives and Expresscard reports page with a note to try the Combo updater if the delta doesn't help. And for Expresscards that require drivers, a reinstall of the drivers may be required. (Also check for any driver updates.)
I updated a Late 2012 Mac Mini tonight using the D/L updater. Shut down/rebooted a few times and then did a safe boot (shift key down) after the update. (Otherwise DU doesn't finish a verify on Intel 520 SSD boot disk as I've mentioned before with previous 10.9 updates.) Seems ok so far but it has no 3rd party addons and not used 10.9.2 much yet. (The mini isn't the main work machine, a 10.6.8 iMac is. Almost nothing on the disk, only 46GB used (of 480GB), TM left off and run manually when needed to the 2nd HDD.) Audio (including 7.1 speaker test in Audio/Midi Utility), Video (HDMI to TV thru AVR) and Browsing ok so far. (Verified the SSL/TLS bug is fixed.) It still takes two tries to complete a verify on the boot 520 SSD. (I've not enabled Trim on the SSD.) Activity monitor shows very low CPU usage so nothing hogging the CPU. I'll check the console for any related error messages and if necessary boot from recovery partition and try a disk repair. (Verify completes/passes 1st time/every time when booted from Recovery partition on the SSD. BTW: as mentioned before, DU run from the Recovery volume thinks my dual internal drives (SSD + HDD) are a failed Fusion drive (showing them in red) but just click ignore and then you can check/repair each.) I'll check again after a few days of use and reinstall w/Combo Updater if it persists. (BTW: Thanks to Arthur for sending a note to check the fsck_hfs.log in the Console.)
Security Update 2014-001 for OS X Lion and Mountain Lion:
Download pages linked. (See below for related docs.)
Check early feedback in the OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion forums.
OS X Server 3.0.3 update (Mavericks) (* See Xcode update note below)
(Link is to App store. Should also be available via SU for 3.0.x users)
"About OS X Server 3.0.3
Fixes an Xcode Server issue preventing the addition of new users.
Compatibility: OS X 10.9.2 or later"
The doc About the OS X Server v3.0.3 Update says "Fixes an Xcode Server issue preventing addition of new users to a Developer Team in OS X 10.9.2." (App store listing has OS X 10.9.2 or later, About doc has 10.9.1 or later.)
[* FYI: A Feb 26th doc About the Xcode Update for OS X Server (Mavericks) has notes on upgrade order - OS X 10.9.2 first, then the Xcode Update and then Server 3.0.3.]
Check Apple's OS X server forum for update feedback/tips. (Here's one user's notes and tips about his OS X Server Upgrade Locked, although it appears he was upgrading from a pre-Mavericks server version.)
Apple Docs on OS X 10.9.2, Safari & OS X 10.7.5/10.8.5 Security Updates:
Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Articles Updated:
Other News/Updates/Tech/OT:
Recent Articles/Tips/Tweaks/Reviews: Listing/links of updates, DIY mod/upgrade articles, tips and reviews you may have missed.
Previous News Archive Summary:
Monday February 24th, 2014 News
- Akitio Thunder Docking station review
- Alexander Expansion Pack for Rome Total War on Feb 27th
- Life, death, calligraphy: The world of Steve Jobs
- SuperDuper! v2.7.2 (blog post) (backup utility)
- Updated Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Articles:
- Intel-based iMac: Installing available updates
- EFI and SMC firmware updates for Intel-based Macs
- Aperture 3 Frequently Asked Questions
- About the "other" space in About This Mac Storage tab
- Thunderbolt ports and displays Frequently asked questions
- How to Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC
- iOS: (How to) Use AirPlay Mirroring
- GarageBand for iOS (v2.0): Share a song to iMovie or other iOS apps
- Using a POP account with more than one device
- Other News/Reviews/Tips/Op-Ed/OT:
- Seagate Surveillance HDD Announced
- $629 'Blackphone' Aims to Protect Personal Data
- Broadcom 802.11ac chip aims to double Mobile Wi-Fi speeds
- Intel announces Developer Program for Internet of Things
- Netflix reaches streaming traffic agreement with Comcast
- $25 Smartphones on Firefox OS to Rock MWC
- SanDisk announces 128GB microSD card
- Augmented Reality Gets to Work
For links to older news pages, see the Archives.
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