Recent Articles/Tips/Tweaks/Reviews: Listing/links of updates, DIY mod/upgrade articles, tips and reviews you may have missed. (Mavericks on 32bit EFI Mac Pro, Mac compatible 802.11ac wifi cards/adapters, OS X Updates/Tips/Problems, Low-Cost CPU Upgrades for early Mac Pros/Xserves and Minis, OS X SSD Trim Enablers, Internal Mini-PCIe Card Mods, Mac Mini SSD upgrades, DIY OS X Fusion drives and more.)
Integrating a MacBook Air into Pro Photographers Workflow
Lawsuit against Apple over Boot and Recovery Systems
Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat updates
Updated Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Articles:
- Mac OS X versions (builds) for computers
- Listing of Intel-based Mac EFI and SMC firmware updates
- About Time Machine local snapshots
- Final Cut Pro X 10.1: Updating and working with libraries FAQ
- OS X: Using AppleScript with Accessibility and Security features in Mavericks
- Unsupported 3rd-party add-ons can cause Safari to quit or have other problems
- GarageBand for iOS: How to select Inter-App Audio apps
- GarageBand for iOS: Share a song to iMovie or other iOS apps
- GarageBand for iOS: Issues playing or recording with Audiobus
- iCloud: My Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Sharing limits
- How to Transfer content from an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to a new device
Other News/Reviews/Tips/Tech/Op-Ed/OT:
- How to try SteamVR
- FFmpeg and a thousand fixes
- Intel hires 16-year-old prodigy
- Appeals court strikes down FCC's net neutrality rule
- Net Neutrality Quashed: New Pricing Schemes, Throttling to Follow?
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