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Carbon Copy Cloner version 6.1.2 Update Release Notes
(Free 30 day trial available at https://bombich.com/download.)
Info from the May 23, 2022 Carbon Copy Cloner v6.1.2 release notes:
- Fixed an issue in which CCC's CloneKitService could report an exception when an edge-case error condition was encountered while reading or writing a file.
- Snapshot thinning on the source and snapshot/archive thinning on the destination is now skipped for restore tasks.
- Fixed a cosmetic issue in the snapshot navigator when a subfolder is selected as the source.
- Made a few small adjustments to how task configuration is handled when selecting the current startup disk as the destination (e.g. to a restore task).
- Addressed an issue that could cause CCC to errantly report that multiple volumes were present with the same unique identifier.
- Fixed the window location of the Dashboard window when multiple screens are present. The Dashboard window will now be presented next to the menubar icon that was clicked, rather than retaining its previous window position.
- The minimum data threshold for "When files are modified on the source" tasks is now 1MB (i.e. 0.001GB).
- Addressed an issue specific to macOS Catalina in which a verification of files on the source or destination would errantly report System volume files as missing.
- Resolved a latency issue that a handful of users were noticing when switching between tasks. We tracked the latency down to poor performance of Apple's "nsattributedstringagent" service on macOS Monterey. In some cases the service was crashing repeatedly, and when macOS throttled its relaunch, there would be a noticeable delay when CCC attempted to render the Task Plan. We no longer rely on that macOS service for rendering the Task Plan.
- Fixed a couple cases where the background color of a view was not switching automatically when the system appearance was changed in System Preferences (e.g. Dark to Light).
- Corrected the error handling in cases where unreadable folders are encountered on the source.
- Corrected the presentation of dropped OneDrive placeholder files for pre-Monterey users.
- Addressed a race condition that could occur if two tasks try to simultaneously mount the same NAS volume. One task would "win", the other task would wait indefinitely for the system's NetAuthSysAgent service to reply.
More info on Carbon Copy Cloner 6 (including free 30 day trial) at bombich.com. |
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