News Archive for Tuesday, November 20th, 2012
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= Recent Articles/Updates =
OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2 Supplemental Update 2.0 (Keychain fixes, more)
(Download page linked.)
"About OS X 10.8.2 Supplemental Update 2.0 (26.65 MB)
This update addresses an issue with Keychain that can affect 2012 Mac systems.
(i.e. "Mac OS X wants to access your Keychain" messages, authentication problems in Mail, Safari, Messages and discs may not eject)
This update is recommended for all Mac systems introduced in 2012.
System Requirements: OS X v10.8.2"
From that description, sounds like it is to fix problems reported with the (Nov 8th) "Mid-2012 MacBook Air/MacBook Pro Update 2.0" that was pulled last week. (2 early reports in MBP forum said it seems to have fixed that problem for them.)
It also appeared as an update on a Late-2012 Mini that I had installed (from download) the special build (12C2034) of OS X 10.8.2 for late 2012 macs that was later pulled. (Almost leery of installing it as I've not seen any issues w/ejecting discs, no HDMI problems (unlike many others) but it's not used for email or messages. (Will be a server.) I later installed it (after TM BU) from a download, update requires a restart afterwards. The Supplemental Update 2.0 did not change the build number (still 12C2034.) Will report back if I see any issues later but the mini is not used much currently.
(I'll also be watching for any updates that fix HDMI video problems many late-2012 mini owners have seen. Since the specific build of 10.8.2 for late-2012 macs was pulled, hopefully another update will be posted soon as previous 10.8.2 builds won't install on Late-2012s. Only recent shipments of Minis have OS X 10.8.2 pre-installed - same build 12C2034 as the (now pulled) Oct. 24th OS X 10.8.2 Update for Late-2012 macs.)
Another 2006 Mac Mini Core2 Duo CPU Upgrade Report:
Added another 2006 (core duo) Mini owner report on a Core 2 Duo CPU swap (T5600 in this case) to our page on 2006-08 Mac Mini CPU/EFI/Lion Upgrades. (He plans to install OS X Lion as well, but hasn't done that yet. Added reminder about Lion's supported models plist workarounds.)
Apple/product related News/Reviews/Tips/Op-Ed/SW:
New/Updated Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Articles: (not much today)
Other News/Reviews/Alerts/Op-Ed/OT:
Recent Articles/Tips/Tweaks/Reviews: Listing/links to updates, articles, tips and reviews you may have missed.
Previous News Pages: For links to older news pages, see the Archives.
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