News for Friday, April 11th, 2014 Go to Current News Page
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= Recent Updates/Articles =
Owner Feedback on SI3132 SATA card drivers with OS X 10.9.2
An iMac owner running Mavericks considering the eSATA Mini-PCIe card mod asked if anyone had used Silicon Image's 3132 drivers in OS X 10.9.2. (Drivers list still has 2010 dates.) If you've used a SI3132-based SATA card (PCIe, Mini-PCIe, ExpressCard) using the drivers from the Silicon Image support page (select sil3132 from "Product Support" menu, Javascript reqd) or a vendor's site (many 'brands' of relabeled 3132 cards), let me know. Thanks.
(Major OS upgrades usually remove the SI drivers as incompatible, requiring a reinstall.)
I've used SI3132 PCIe and Expresscards in the past (older posts/pages here), but the only Mac I have running Mavericks is a 2012 mini, which can't use them. (Last OS I used 3132 cards (PCIe & Expresscard) with was OS X 10.6.x. I replaced the PCIe 3132 card with a faster, natively supported NewerTech SATA3 card and never upgraded the Mac Pro or MacBook Pro past 10.6.8.)
(Update) Here's a reply from a reader today. (3132 based Expresscard user.)
"Silicon Image's 3132 drivers in OS X 10.9
I have booted my Late 2008 MacBook Pro into OS X 10.9 several times and can verify that the driver version I am using works. I didn't do any extensive tests though.
This is the version I have been using:
www.siliconimage.com/docs/SiI3132_1.2.5.0_Sil_Pkg.zip There also is an "r5" version for cards with RAID5 support.
Cheers, Jan"
Thanks Jan. I always used the non-RAID driver but again never tried it with 10.9.x. (If anyone missed it earlier, OS X 10.9.2 was said to fix the problem of no Expresscard support in OS X 10.9 with 2010 MacBook Pros. Link is to posts from FirmTek and readers in October 2013.)
Apple/products related News/Updates/Tips/PR:
- FaceTime App (OS X)
v1.0.4 v1.0.5 (v1.0.5 said to fix prev. problems w/1.0.4)
Per App store page "This update resolves connection issues in FaceTime, and is recommended for all users of FaceTime on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard."
(FYI: Some posts in Apple's forum on Facetime 1.0.4 problems from 10.6.x users)
- Memories of Steve (Jobs) (Don Melton's blog)
Updated Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Articles:
(The article links below were from April 2014. Apple may have changed or removed them.)
Topic based page of Guides, Tips & Troubleshooting for Mac & iPhone/iPad/watchOS Users. |
Recent Updates, Tips, DIY Upgrades and Repairs: List of Updates, Tips, DIY Upgrades, Repair Articles, and more you may have missed. (Topics range from OS/software/driver updates & troubleshooting, to hardware upgrades and repairs.)
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