Archive of February 8th/9th, 2016 News Go to Current News Page
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= Recent Updates/Articles =
Apple/products related News, Software Updates, Op-Ed, PR:
(FYI: Later article on Adobe pulls Creative Cloud update that deleted Apple Mac data)
- Security Updates for Adobe Flash Player, Photoshop CC and Bridge CC (bulletins)
- Security Updates for Adobe Experience Manager (OS X, Unix, Linux, Windows)
- Apple Developer Notes on Renewed Intermediate Certificate available (includes FAQ)
- Apple Security Certificate Update Could Break Your Game (MAS ONLY)
Clip from Aspyr's support page (they updated the list on Feb. 23rd):
"On February 13, 2016, a number of Aspyr games on the Mac App Store will no longer function properly due to the expiration of a security certificate that was issued by Apple in November 2015. A new long-term security certificate will be issued in its place, but affected users will need to take some steps to ensure their game works properly. This new certificate will be good until 2023...
Affected (Mac App Store) games include:
- Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
- Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Civilization IV: Colonization, Civilization V
- Neverwinter Nights 2
- Star Wars: Empire at War
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- The Sims 2 Super Collection
- The Secret of Monkey Island
- Tomb Raider 2
If you purchased, downloaded or updated any of the above Mac App Store games between November 12, 2015, and December 22, 2015, then it is likely that your game will be affected. If you receive an error when launching one of the affected games after February 13, you will need to uninstall and then reinstall the game."
The support page has notes on uninstalling/reinstalling, preserving saved games/progress.
- Apple Developer News notes OS X 10.11.4 beta 3, Xcode 7.3 beta 3, iOS 9.3 beta 3, tvOS 9.2 beta 3, watchOS 2.2 beta 3 and Apple Configurator 2.2 beta 3 available.
- Apple takes its eye off the ball: Why Apple fans are really coming to hate Apple software (LA times)
- Apple under pressure as lawyers pledge action over 'Error 53' codes (guardian)
(Update: See Apple how-to article on error 53 for info on restoring via iTunes.)
- What's new in XCOM 2 for Mac and Linux? (feral interactive)
- VLC (Media Player) v2.2.2 ("More than 100 fixes for issues reported for 2.2.1. Full support of Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan".)
- Apple Music on Sonos available Feb 10th (sonos pr)
Apple Support/How-to Article Updates:
Topic-based page of How-To, Troubleshooting & Tips for Mac/OS X/iOS Users. |
Other News, Updates and TIps:
Recent Updates, Tips, DIY Upgrades and Repairs: List of Updates, DIY Upgrades, Repair Articles, Tips and more you may have missed. (Topics range from OS/software updates and troubleshooting, to hardware upgrades and repairs.) |
Previous News Archive Summary:
For links to older news pages, see the Archives.
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