News Archive for Thursday June 2, 2011: Go to Current News Page
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Another (low-cost) 2006 Mac Pro (Dual) Quad-Core CPU Upgrade:
"Just like your last report (May 25th, 2011 news) on this subject - I upgraded a Dual 2Ghz (Xeon 5130, dual-cores) Mac Pro 1.1 with a pair of Xeon 5345's (2.33Ghz, Quad-Cores) I bought off ebay for 200 for the pair (I'm in the UK.)
Install took about 40 minutes and the unit powered up just fine. I also bought an additional 8 Gig ram from ebay (it now has 13 Gig so I'm aiming to get it up to 16GB in time) and have ordered a Radeon 5770. Also thinking of a small SSD to use for Windows as I have some Flight sim games I'd like to run on it under bootcamp.
I'm a fan of Geekbench and ran the free version on the original 2Ghz configured unit (Mac pro on the machine list of the page). I've since purchased Geekbench and have now run it on the upgraded Machine in both 32 & 64bit modes (Mac Pro 1.1 on the list) and compared it against my 2009 8-core 2.26GHz Mac Pro with 32 Gig ram in both 32 & 64 bit mode.
(FYI: Mac Pro 1,1 (2006) and 2,1 (2007) are EFI32 models and not able to boot to 64-bit Snow Leopard kernel as is.) My Macbook Air and Core i7-2620M 13" MacBook Pro are there too. You can see the 5345's make a huge difference and bring it surprisingly close to the Nehalem 09 Mac pro. http://browse.geekbench.ca/user/MCal27/geekbench2
Hope it's of Interest & keep up the good work.
-Alan B."
Thanks Alan. Here's links to a few other previous Mac Pro CPU upgrade reports this year. (Some linked on Macs Mods/Upgrades page.)
Apple/Products related News/Articles/Op-Ed
Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Article Updates
(Below links are from June 2, 2011 - Apple may have changed or removed them.)
Topic based page of Guides, Tips & Troubleshooting for Mac & iPhone/iPad/watchOS Users. |
Recent Updates, Tips, DIY Upgrades and Repairs: List of Updates, Tips, DIY Upgrades, Repair Articles, and more you may have missed. (Topics range from OS/software/driver updates & troubleshooting, to hardware upgrades and repairs.) |
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