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Carbon Copy Cloner version 6.1.5 Release Notes
(Free 30 day trial available at https://bombich.com/download.)
Info from the March 14, 2023 Carbon Copy Cloner v6.1.5 release notes:
- When applicable, more context is presented now in cases where a task fails due to a stall at the source or destination (e.g. what specific file or folder is involved in the stall).
- At the end of a task event, CCC now sets the destination root modification date to "now", rather than preserving the source root folder modification date. The modification date of the destination root folder has more value as an indication of when CCC last made changes to the destination vs. when the user last made changes to that root folder on the source (which is typically long ago). This should offer an easy indication to the end user of "When was the last CCC backup made to this volume?".
- Errors that occur due to a disagreement between the source and (typically NAS) destination filesystems on how composed characters should be stored are now presented with more specific advice and a link to a new Kbase article Character composition conflicts on NAS volumes.
- Network change events are now listed in the Activity tab of the CCC Dashboard application if any CCC tasks require network resources.
- Made some adjustments to the pruning of CCC's Task History database so it consumes less space.
- Fixed the behavior of the Task Filter window when working with a Remote Macintosh source.
- CCC will now run the postflight shell script (if specified on a task) in cases where the source or destination dropped offline, thus causing the task to abort. Previously we were avoiding running the script in this case (despite running that script in other error conditions), but we've since decided that there isn't any good reason for not running it.
- Made a small logic adjustment for tasks configured to run "When the source or destination is remounted" to avoid running when a staged System update is mounted (i.e. when the startup disk is the source).
- Adjusted the sidebar width when exiting full screen mode.
- Fixed a layout issue in the task plan when hiding and then revealing the sidebar (specific to Ventura).
- When a task fails because the source or destination is missing, and the user has enabled the "Don't send error notifications" (when the source or destination is missing) setting, the error will now be presented with the "cancelled by the user" icon in the Task History window, rather than an error icon.
- Fixed an issue in which a "Backup Health Check" would errantly (but harmlessly) recopy a certain class of files that did not need to be recopied.
More info on Carbon Copy Cloner 6 (including free 30 day trial) at bombich.com. |
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