News Archive for Thursday, Oct. 4th, 2012 Go to Current News Page
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Feedback on Combo USB 3.0 + eSATA 3 Card
(in reply to previous posts this week on USB 3.0 cards with OS X 10.8.2/OS X 10.7.5)
"USB 3 + SATA 3 Combo card
I just got a CalDigit USB 3.0/Sata 3 (6Gb/s) card (two ports each).
(CalDigit FASTA-6GU3: USB 3.0 + eSATA 6Gb/s PCI Express card)
Works great in Lion. eSATA operation requires no drivers, but USB3 operation does require a driver install which they certify for OS 10.7. (see below for later driver update)
I'm running OS 10.7.5 with no problems. I haven't tested on 10.8 though.
(he later wrote)
I just checked their site and downloaded the latest driver - they are now showing OS X 10.8 support for USB 3, but I can't test that. (No 10.8 install.)
-Jim W."
As of 5PM Oct 4, 2012, the Caldigit drivers page "FASTA-6GU3" card section (farther down the page) driver D/L is listed (text) as "Driver v1.3.6 for Mac OS 10.5, 10.6 & 10.7" - but at the top of the D/L page OS X 10.8 is mentioned in the USB3 driver for the "CalDigit AV Drive". (That driver D/L link goes to a page titled "SuperSpeed USB 3.0 PCI Express Card (Desktop) / ExpressCard (NoteBook) driver" - Driver v1.3.8.)
I downloaded from both pages and both download the same filename (CalDigit-USB3-Driver.zip) that includes an OS X 10.8 driver v1.3.8, dated July 27th, 2012.
OS X 10.8.2 Supplemental Update (info/download)
(download page linked)
"About OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2 Supplemental Update (26.65MB)
The OS X v10.8.2 Supplemental Update is recommended for all users running OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.2 and includes the following fixes:
- Resolves an issue that may cause DVD Player to unexpectedly quit
- Allows Safari to access secure sites when parental controls are enabled
- Addresses an issue that may prevent systems with more than 64 GB of RAM from starting up
- Resolves an issue that may cause certain Japanese characters to appear incorrectly in Mail
SHA1: ccd53770fd5beff7c457594599907d8a36e40807"
OS X 10.7.5 Supplemental Update (info/download)
(download page linked)
"About OS X Lion 10.7.5 Supplemental Update (2MB)
The OS X v10.7.5 Supplemental Update is recommended for all users running OS X Lion v10.7.5 and includes the following fixes:
- Resolves an issue that may cause Time Machine backups to take a very long time to complete
- Addresses an issue that prevents certain applications signed with a Developer ID from launching
The Supplemental Update is recommended if you installed OS X v10.7.5 Update (build 11G56).
It is not needed if you install the OS X v10.7.5 Update (build 11G63).
SHA 1: 644284dd913a207214c02a9e84945195d7b20c9a"
Apple/product related Updates/Click-Bait/Op-Ed:
Oct 4, 2012 Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Article Updates:
(Below from 2012, Apple often changes or removes older articles.)
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