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Notes on some PCIe USB 3.0 Card Problems in OS X El Capitan
Reader report with tips on drivers and El Captian upgrade/install.)
"Some USB 3 cards not working with El Capitan
Problems with Orico and CalDigit USB 3 cards have been reported in Apple Discussions. The problem may be limited to cards that require drivers. I have the first generation of the CalDigit USB3/eSATA card, and have seen the problem. First, it should be mentioned that there will be no driver fix for this older card. CalDigit has also removed a Yosemite driver from their downloads. I have the driver, and it seems to work, but I spend so little time in Yosemite that I can't vouch for there being no problems at all. So now the card works officially with Snow Leopard through Mavericks.
The second-Gen CalDigit USB3/eSATA card requires no drivers, has a minimum requirement of 10.8.2, and is reported to work with El Capitan.
The first-gen CalDigit card itself causes no problems in a clean El Capitan installation. It is simply non-functional. If you make the mistake of installing the CalDigit Yosemite (or presumably any earlier) driver, as I did when beta testing El Cap, you get stuck in an ugly, unending cycle of kernel panics and restarts. A similar result was reported in Apple Discussions. In that case, the information provided was sketchy, but I suspect that the person who posted had upgraded an existing system, so a CalDigit driver was already present. Long story short, if you have a USB 3 card installed, and it requires drivers, proceed with caution. Install El Cap clean rather than letting it upgrade an earlier OS that has drivers installed for the card.
Thanks Kathryn. In a later thread I saw info from a developer note on USB Changes in OS X 10.11:
... Changes to USB in OS X v10.11
- The USB stack is completely redesigned to increase stability and performance compared to Mac OS 10.10. Applications and third-party drivers for vendor-specific USB devices built with 10.10 SDK require no modification.
- Applications that use IOUSBLib APIs should continue to work with no modification. IOKit drivers that use IOUSBDevice and IOUSBInterface APIs should continue to load and be functional with no regressions.
- If you are developing a new IOKit driver that uses IOKIT USB APIs, please refer to the OS X v10.11 SDK for new API and classes such as IOUSBHostDevice and IOUSBHostInterface. New applications developed using the OS X v10.11 SDK should continue to use the IOUSBLib APIs.
- Different classes of USB devices should not exhibit any regression in functionality compared to the OS X v10.10 release.
Nvidia Graphics Driver Update 346.03.02f02 for OS X El Capitan
(For later driver updates, see our Mac Nvidia Drivers Download page.)
Jörg sent a note about another Nvidia graphics driver update for El Capitan. Here's the download page for Graphics driver 346.03.02f02 for OS X 10.11 build 15A284, dated Oct. 6th, 2015. (Other than f02 version same info as October 1st f01 release.)
"New in Release 346.03.02f02
Graphics driver updated for Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11 (15A284)
Contains performance improvements and bug fixes for a wide range of applications.
Includes NVIDIA Driver Manager preference pane.
Includes BETA support for iMac and MacBook Pro systems with NVIDIA graphics
Release Notes Archive:
This driver update is for Mac Pro 5,1 (2010), Mac Pro 4,1 (2009) and Mac Pro 3,1 (2008) users.
BETA support is for iMac 14,2 / 14,3 (2013), iMac 13,1 / 13,2 (2012) and MacBook Pro 11,3 (2013), MacBook Pro 10,1 (2012), and MacBook Pro 9,1 (2012) users.
As of post date, the latest CUDA version is still CUDA 7.5.20 from Oct. 1st, 2015. |
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