Note: this is a page of only photos of the Pwr Supply Mounting.
See Page 1 for required Wiring mods.
(Eugene Lou sent photos on how he mounted the MDD Pwr Supply in his Quicksilver.)
The 24 pin plug (of the MDD) fitting quite nicely in the 22 pin connector (QS logic board) without any mods (I cut it partially before realizing it was unnecessary) (Reminder - you have to have the wiring in the PS connector matching the Quicksilver's original connector/pin positions first of course.)
First marking the top part of the case for drilling - points are the
corners of a 75 mm x 165 mm square:
Pic of holes drilled and Pwr Supply tabs fitting through:
Closeup of the Hole/PS Mtg Tab:
MDD Power Supply mounted in QS: