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News Archive for Friday July 15, 2011:

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OS X 10.7 Lion and Sil3132 Card Drivers:

" Hi, Mike. I have two bare SATA hard drives where the bridge boards in the casings refuse to co-operate, so I bought a SiliconImage-based PCIe card for my 2008 Mac Pro. The card has been great with the SIL3132 drivers and the card is set up for two external ports.

OSX 10.7 Lion moves the SIL3132 stuff into a folder called Incompatible Software and I was wondering if anyone out there has updated (even beta) drivers?
Thanks SIP"

Snow Leopard did the same thing with 3132 drivers (noted here the day SL was released IIRC). In some cases just reinstalling the 3132 drivers worked (at least using some versions). I've noted several SI site 3132 driver updates since then (including 64bit drivers for Snow Leopard) -but- they have not been updated since 2010 (and doesn't list 10.7 support of course). I asked if he tried reinstalling the latest 10.6 drivers there to let me know if that works. (And I'd do a backup/clone of the 10.7 install before anything else, just as a general rule.)
(Update: SIP later sent a note that reinstalling the drivers did get it working again and promised to report back after more tests/use.)

(I've not gotten a replacment CPU tray for my mac pro and don't have 10.7 GM to test. And I'd replaced the 3132 PCIe card with a natively supported (no drivers reqd) NewerTech 6G (non-PM version) back in Jan 2010. (reviewed here.) Anyone test that card with 10.7 GM to see if it's still natively supported?)
(Update: A reader (thanks Richard) over the weekend wrote that card is still natively supported in GM Lion.)

BTW - Almost forgot to mention another option for Mac Pro owners like him - using the 2 spare onboard SATA Ports. (Not used from the factory in 2006-2008 Mac Pros.) The IDE/SATA Page controllers section links to an article here from 2007 on this. (He later wrote he was using those as well as the PCIe card.)

Apple/Products/SW related News/Articles/Op-Ed:


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Previous 3 Days News Summaries:
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Tuesday July 12, 2011

Monday July 11, 2011

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